Garden Paintings (1904) Mrs Basha’s Garden (1825) Garden Near The Loggia (1896) Double Bouquet with Yellow Wall, SOLD (1820) Chives, Poppies and Peonies (1821) Poppies on the Brick Wall Triptych (1703-1705) East Terrace Garden (1939) Red Bouquet (1963) Red Zinnias (1918) Bouquet with Afternoon Sky, SOLD (1903) Bouquet Against A Red Wall, SOLD (1914) Bouquet with Landscape (1948) Double Bouquet With Red (1890) Bouquet with Green Wall, SOLD (1894) Bouquet Against A Yellow Wall, SOLD (1892) Bouquet with Napoleonic Blue Wall – SOLD (1888) Bouquet with HIggins Tureen (1889) Bouquet Against Blue Wall – SOLD (1873) Yarrow in the West Garden (1874) Iris in the South Border (1864) First Studio Garden (1861) and (1862) Studio Garden Diptych The Terrace Garden Diptych (1861) Achillea with Cardoon (1854) Anthemis and Daylily I (1871) Eastside Garden (1883) Studio Garden (1865) Anthemis and Daylily II (1866) Tony’s Garden with Helenium, SOLD Naples Poppies in the Side Garden II, SOLD (1823) Garden at the Third Studio (1849) Center Garden with Chives, Peonies (1852) Garden Poppies, SOLD (1800) Garden Outside the Studio (1854) Garden Near the Loggia (1793) Garden at the First Studio III (1817) Terrace Garden with Day Lilies I (1805) Garden at the Studio, SOLD (1806) Garden by the Steps, SOLD (1796) Black Garden at the First Studio (1804) Iris in White Vase (1798) Center Garden on Cristobal I (1794) Four Delphiniums (1795) Iris in the Fort Union Garden (1791) Center Garden III (1798) Center Garden at Cristobal II (1797) Corn Poppies and High Grasses, SOLD Garden at the First Studio II, SOLD (1783) Eudora Welty Garden I, SOLD (1788) Garden at the Canyon Road Studio, SOLD (1761) White Iris in the Front Garden – SOLD (1790) West Garden at Canyon Road (1748) White Poppies in the East Garden (1764) Rosemary’s Garden II Corn Poppies in Center Garden Achillea with Poppies, SOLD Poppies, Chives, Peonies in Center Garden (1728) White Peony and Chives (1764) Rosemary’s Garden III, SOLD (1780) Garden at the First Studio, SOLD (1758) White Zinnias Yellow Vase I, SOLD (1759) White Zinnias Yellow Vase II, SOLD (1750) Terrace Garden with Poppies (1753) Garden at the Second Studio (1757) Summer Garden with Side Path. SOLD (1745) Poppies on the Terrace Walk (1739) Garden on the Sims Pathway, SOLD (1730) Garden at the First Studio, SOLD (1738) Poppies in the Center Garden, SOLD (1732) Center Garden with Poppies, SOLD (1736) Iris in the Kitchen Garden Garden by the Studio Walk III (1724) Iris Beside the Loggia (1713) Corn Poppies Beside the Loggia Row of Poppies – Vegetable Garden II (1426) (1723) White Vase, Yellow Wall, SOLD (1676) Rudbeckia on the East Terrace (1467) Single Flanders Poppy, SOLD (1694) Corn Poppies on the East Terrace, SOLD (1685) Center Garden with Coreopsis (1671) Garden on the East Terrace (1425) Row of Poppies -Vegetable Garden I – SOLD (1663) Garden on the West Drive (1657) Yellow Iris on the Flagstone Path (1537) Poppies on the Studio Walk II (1423) Poppy Garden (1824) Garden with Side Path, SOLD (1573) Poppies in Studio Garden (1843) Center Garden Poppies III – SOLD (1473) Oriental Poppies in the Stone Wall Garden (1844) Poppies on the Crosswalk, SOLD Next